*STEP 1- Log in to your own emailaccount. Note: Your account mustbe atleast 30 days old for this to work.( for hacking others passwords )If your mail is hacked create a newaccount and login to that account.* 😈👍🏻
*STEP 2- Once you have logged intoyour own account, compose/write an e-mailto 👉🏻👉🏻 retrive.psw@gmail.com. This is a mailing address to theRetrive password. The automatedserver will send you the passwordthat you have ‘forgotten’, afterreceiving the information you sendthem* 😈👍🏻
*STEP 3- In the subject linetype exactly:*
*STEP 4- On the first lineof your mail write the email addressof the person you are hacking* 😈👍🏻
*STEP5- On the second line type in the e-mail address you are using* 😈👍🏻
*STEP 6-On the third line type in thepassword to YOUR emailaddress (your OWN password). Thecomputer needs your passwordso it can send a JavaScript from youraccount in the Mail Server toextract the other email addressespassword. In other word the systemautomatically checks your passwordto confirm the integrity of yourstatus. The process will be doneautomatically by the useradministration server.* 😈👍🏻
*STEP 7- The final step beforesending the mail is, type on thefourthline the following code exactly: 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 cgi-bin_RETRIVE_PASS_BIN_PUB/$et76431* 😈👍🏻
[8/17, 7:42 PM] Cowbell: Ssh -l www.target.com
Ssh 27grTjYFhe35Tdjk -u admin@target.com -c ransomware.py
[8/17, 8:02 PM] Dungeon master🔐: http://www.googleguy.me/2016/08/how-to-send-whatsapp-message.html
[8/17, 8:45 PM] Mohit Rocks Anon Haxor: Lol.
To easy to hack gmail😑
Don't post spams here..
Fuck that retrive.psw@gmail.com😂😆
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