Noob Guy ®: Find phishing kits which use your brand/organization's files and image.PhishingKitHunter (or PKHunter) is a tool made for identifying phishing kits URLs used in phishing campains targeting your customers and using some of your own website files (as CSS, JS, ...). This tool - write in Python 3 - is based on the analysis of referer's URL which GET particular files on the legitimate website (as some style content) or redirect user after the phishing session. Log files (should) contains the referer URL where the user come from and where the phishing kit is deployed. PhishingKitHunter parse your logs file to identify particular and non-legitimate referers trying to get legitimate pages based on regular expressions you put into PhishingKitHunter's config file. Features find URL where a phishing kit is deployedfind if the phishing kit is still up and runninggenerate a JSON report usefull for external usageuse a hash of the phishing kit's page to identify the k...