Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security How to Upload shell from admin panel Steps To Do. 1. Access to admin panel of website. 2. A shell(You can download it from google). 3. Mozilla Firefox browser. 4. Live http headers(You can download it from google) 1. First login to the admin panel to the website and then try to find a place where we can upload a file like image,pdf,doc etc. In my case I found gallery in my victim website where I can upload images. 2. Now we will gonna upload a shell, but we have to change the extension of the our shell to 'shell.php.jpg' because we are uploading our shell as an image. 3. Before uploading the 'shell.php.jpg' open Live Http Headers and minimize it and then click on upload button. Like I did in following image.  4. Now we have uploaded 'shell.php.jpg' , after that maximize the Live Http Headers and find 'shell.php.jpg' in HTTP headers box like I did in image given below.  5. Now...