Anon Av: FRAUD DETECTION SYSTEM The Risk Management Toolkit • AVS • CVV • IP/GEO/BIN AVS – Address Verification Service How It Works •Provides a Match or Non-Match Result for the Billing Street # and Billing Zip Code… not the actual address. (i.e. “1234 Test Street” is parsed into “1234” just the same as “1234 Wrong Way” would be). Implementation •Available on any Internet merchant account and virtually any Payment Gateway. •Most gateways provide an AVS configuration area where you can specify whether you want to automatically “decline” (i.e. do not settle) an authorization that has an AVS mis-match or non-match. Benefits •Easy to implement Limitations •Works only for U.S., CA, U.K. cardholders. So, this does not help you scrub most international transactions. •A growing % of compromised credit cards – especially those obtained through inside jobs or hac...