JuanDeLemos: [Tutorial] How to deface website with Cross Site Scripting [Noobs] Today i am gonna teach you how to deface the sites which has the XSS vulnerability . IMP NOTE : : Never implement this technique. I am just explaining it for educational purpose only. Defacing is one of the most common thing when the hacker found the vulnerability in website. Defacing is changing the content the website to Hacker content. Most of time, attacker use this technique to inform about the vulnerability to Admin. But it's bad idea..! i have some easiest methods to deface the Xss vuln sites .. i will be teaching u one by one . 1 - Script for changing the background Color of a website: <script>document.body.bgColor="red";</script> use this in your target website as http://www.targetwebsite.com /<script>document.body.bgColor="red";</script> 2 - Script for chaning the background image of a website: <script>document.body.background=...