Steam Method(2017)
i have too much time and when i trying
i got this method and its worked with 626$ or more i dont know
and you are must follow the steps or u are gonna get alert
1-you are must have old steam account within 2-7 years only if u want old accounts pm me
2-you are must run vpn like what the cc is from always because if u are not do it how cc is from india
and you are from usa cannt be usa with india and if u not in usa and cc from india u wont can use it
thats why u must run vpn like cc from
3-the best thing too much people are doing it do not add wallet the wallet is going alert your account 100% because need verify your account
4- and you are must enter the billing right correctly 100% like the cc from
5-do as u want the price only from 1-700$ up 700 the alert is coming.
6- u must use emails not gmail,hotmail,yahoo,yandex,etc.. temp or ur host first 15 persons u will email what i use
7-and about private cc and public cc why private is better from public i will explain why
because be sure always public cc for 100member and up and always too much members are trying in one credit card and all of them are using
not correct billing and u using right billing and then 3 orders all of them there is different of billing thats steam know fraud and about private
there is no one are trying in your private cc and u will right the correct and connect vpn like it and with calm but public isnt calm
8-if u are use hidemyass,express vpn,etc doesnt matter and if u are using not vpn socks
this website is sharing socks&proxies and good everyday and if u want to check ur socks&proxies with sql dumper
and iam not gonna drop the link because its virus for the people and its hacktools this for socks and other etcc
9-be sure u are must wait like 1-8 days to see everything is clear and the alert will be gone and u can be safe next 1-8 this worked with me dont worry
if u arent the steps the alert will input in your steam account this method by jamesqad and be sure have fun and enjoy it
and be sure it will come by steam and it will expired by steam they will create update and always get alert
10-do not try with 4 tries or they will alert your account
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