👉"How to scan open ports with Port Scanner on android"👈
This is a part of Tunneling method.
1, download and
2, open the app.
you would see a
space and in the space you
would see "Enter host name or
ip", now type your freesite that
you use for accessing the
internet without data
⚠️ Remember not to
type https:\\,www or http:\\
along with the web address.
Now click on port range and
input the following;
First port: 50
Last port; 9000
Time out: 2000
Show only open ports: tick it
Now press ok and when the app
starts scanning , you would see
some broken lines on your
screen moving to your right.
Scanning of ports usually takes
3-6mins but you can leave it to scan for open ports to the
maximum so as not to miss out
on any udp or tcp ports.
I remember some time ago this
year, download2015app.com
was a was freepage on my
network and so to bypass it, i
scanned for open ports and i got
this; 53, 80, 110, 143, 443, 465,
589, 993, 995, 2077 blah blah
blah and believe me, those that
knew really made a good job of
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