Hackers stole from four banks a billion rubles with the help of a bot
Special services disclosed a group of cybercriminals who deceived Promsvyazbank, Trust, Uralsib and a credit institution Zenit. 16 young people in Moscow organized a gang and engaged in fraud on the Internet. The choice of criminals fell on the banking sphere and operations on-line.
In just four months, programmers robbed credit institutions for a billion rubles.The scam succeeded thanks to a special program, which they came up with.
- A group of Internet scammers with knowledge of programming and technology developed a bot that, at a certain point in time after carrying out transactions from the account to the account, canceled operations, "a source in law enforcement agencies said. - However, by this time, money already on a payment order through Internet banking was sent, and the team came to the bank late. Basically, transfers were from dollar to ruble accounts, or from dollar to euro.
The leader of the gang of hackers studied the order, organization and system of functioning of bank processing systems that process financial operations on the Internet in real time, and then found "like-minded people" - from the driver to the nachers, with whom he carried out a scam.
Scammers acted according to this scheme: they made bank cards for other people's names, went to the terminal, replenished the account, went to another terminal, withdrew a small amount and took a receipt, after which they received from the ATM a receipt with the authorization data of a direct legal card ATM cash withdrawal operation , used its details through the Internet ITS and formed a spurious electronic order in the form of a reverse transaction canceling the withdrawal operation. As a result of such actions, the balance of the bank card account was restored and replenished with the specified amount. Thus, a gang of hacker programmers could cause damage to four banks worth more than one billion rubles.
Interestingly, the group began to "work" from the amount of one million rubles, gradually increasing these operations to a billion by similar operations.
Four banks suffered from the actions of hackers: Promsvyazbank, Uralsib, Trust and Zenit. An alarm was scored by the security service of one of the financial institutions, after which they appealed to the management "K" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. After the investigation, all members of the group were identified and detained.
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