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http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onionPath:!!!!!!!newsfeed1!bredband!!!blueyonder!!!53ab2750!not-for-mail From: Harlequin <> Newsgroups: alt.2600,alt.2600.hackerz Subject: How to Hack - Info for Newbies (1/2) Organization: Harlequin's Consultancy Expires: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 12:00:00 GMT MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Lines: 1669 Message-ID: <RRj5b.1300$> Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2003 11:01:05 GMT NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Complaints-To: X-Trace: 1062586865 (Wed, 03 Sep 2003 12:01:05 BST) NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2003 12:01:05 BST Xref: alt.2600:558690 alt.2600.hackerz:229262 [Note: Please DO NOT reply to this post quoting its entirety! Downloading costs many people real money. H.] -- "You hack to LEARN, you do not LEARN to hack." [Xaos] Advice for those wanting to learn "how to hack": 1. Read newsgroups like this one for a few weeks, at least; 2. Read the alt.2600 FAQ (posted in alt.2600 about twice a week) 3. Read books; [Note from LearningInProgress (LIP): This is perhaps the best advice you can anybody concerning hacking or computer security in general. The rest I would ignore until you fundamentally learn what the system administrator knows himself or herself. Better yet, set up your own network with cheap PCs in your bedroom to practice and learn more about networking. At least if you screw up, you can examine your own security logs and see where. And the best part is you won't go to jail.] 4. Track down web sites and text files (like the one at the end of this post). 5. Read my posts of VisiGoth's "Newbies: Information Overload" post (to be found in alt.2600, alt.2600.hackerz and alt.hacker). His "HowTo: Makeshift Linux Network @ Home .." (in the same NGs) might also prove useful. British readers should find Vortex's "Links and Information for UK newbies" (latterly posted monthly by Michael to alt.2600 and to be worthwhile reading. Further advice from LiP: Some core competencies I think are required to hacking are: (1) understanding of programming languages (high level and low level) (2) understanding of how software interacts with hardware (3) understanding of cryptography and how cryptanalysis works (4) understanding of networks, both unix and NT (5) understanding of multiple operating systems and how they are developed. (6) common sense and the willingness to learn Tanstaafl (David Dune) runs a hackers newsletter. E-mail info-rphh@* and/or info-rphh@* (are the asterisks meant to be there?) and get back issues from Apparently, Death Incarnate runs another newsletter. E-mail him at Tips for item 4: You can make a start by looking at... Also, have a peek at some of the other sites mentioned in messages posted to this group. H. P.S. A sample of what you can find. I've included a number of relevant comments from LearningInProgress: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + THE ULTIMATE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO HACKING AND PHREAKING + + + + BY + + REVELATION + + LOA--ASH + + + + Written: 08/4/96 Volume: 1 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Note from zimzum: I have read that guide and when i was getting started it DID help me but unfortunately, like most of the hacking textfiles on the net, the info is becoming fast outdated and therefore very dangerous. For example, in a lot of places, the new digital phone networks can now detect a beige box and the cops will be there in 3-5 minutes H.] [Note from Hobbit: Couple quick notes on the How to Hack post by Harlequin [presumably a reference to Revelation's Guide H.]; boxing and scanning are newbee no-no's now. since the advent of digital switching (mid 1980's) tone boxing will set off alarms at the home offices of your local phone company. don't expect black helicopters to land; do expect "expensive sunglasses and cheap suits" to come knockin' if you insist on trying this from home. scanning a prefix will _also_ draw all kinds of the wrong kind of attention. the big computers at the local phone company are (so i hear) set to look for scanning attempts by recognizing blocks of dialing attempts from any single number. a way around this is to hammer a few at a time, wait a bit. and then a few more. to really cover tracks you can randomize (shuffle) the numbers list and hit the numbers a few here and a few there with no set pattern to recognize. this is an example of why you'll need to learn to program to hack; you should be able to cobble up a simple random war-dialer that "sleeps" like i've described here, consider it a class project. for the more advanced, (and adventurous) scanning and tone-boxing can be combined with the alligator-clips-on-a-neighbor's-line method for a humorous example of creative payback (as well as gathering valuable information, natch). only do this A> to people you don't like, and B> if you can keep a straight face when all the "plumbing vans" set up shop next to the victims property :) H.] This document was written in Windows 95 Word Pad. The title above, and some of the text looks a little screwed up when read in anything else, so read it in Word Pad. [Not this version. H.] Anyway, for those of you who are wondering "what do the letters "LOA" under his handle stand for?" Well, LOA stands for Legion Of the Apocalypse, which is a group of elite hackers and phreakers in my area. The current members of LOA are: Revelation, Phreaked Out, Hack Attack, Electric Jaguar, and Phreak Show I started LOA when I discovered that there were many good hackers and phreakers in my area. I thought that an organized group of hackers and phreakers would accomplish much more than an individual could by himself. Thus the Legion Of the Apocalypse was formed and has been around for a while since. Our main goal is to show the public what hacking and phreaking is all about and to reveal confidential information to the hacking/phreaking community so that we can learn more about computers, telephones, electronics, etc. We are hoping to get our own World Wide Web page soon, so keep an eye out for it. It will contain all of the hacking, phreaking, computer, telephone,security, electronics, virus, and carding information that you could possibly want. Also, if some of you are wondering why I chose the word Revelation as my handle, well, Revelation means revealing or unveiling, which is exactly what I intend to do as a hacker/phreaker. I intend to reveal all the information that I can gather while hacking and phreaking. Anyway, I wrote this document because I have read all the files that I could get my hands on and noticed that there has never been a really good file written that guided beginning hackers and phreakers step by step. When I began hacking and started reading all of the beginner files, I still had many un-answered questions. My questions were eventually answered, but only through LOTS of reading and practice. In this file, I hope to give basic step by step instructions that will help beginning hackers and phreakers get started. But, DO NOT think that this will save you from having to read alot. If you want to be a hacker/phreaker, reading is the most important thing you can do. You will have to do ALOT of reading no matter what. This document was intended for beginners, but it can also be used as a reference tool for advanced hackers and phreakers. Please distribute this document freely. Give it to anyone that you know who is interested in hacking and/or phreaking. Post it on your World Wide Web page, Ftp sites, and BBS's. Do whatever you want with it as long as it stays UNCHANGED. As far as I know, this is the most complete and in depth beginners guide available, that is why I wrote it. Also, I plan to have new volumes come out whenever there has been a significant change in the material provided, so keep an eye out for them. LOA is planning on starting an on-line magazine, so look for that too. And we are also starting a hacking business. Owners of businesses can hire us to hack into their systems to find the security faults. The name of this company is A.S.H. (American Security Hackers), and it is run by LOA. If you have any questions about this company, or would like to hire us, or just want security advice, please E-Mail A.S.H. at "". This document is divided into three main sections with many different sub-sections in them. The Table Of Contents is below: Table Of Contents: I. HACKING A. What is hacking? B. Why hack? C. Hacking rules D. Getting started E. Where and how to start hacking F. Telenet commands G. Telenet dialups H. Telenet DNIC's I. Telenet NUA's J. Basic UNIX hacking K. Basic VAX/VMS hacking L. Basic PRIME hacking M. Password list N. Connecting modems to different phone lines O. Viruses, Trojans, and Worms II. PHREAKING A. What is phreaking? B. Why phreak? C. Phreaking rules D. Where and how to start phreaking E. Boxes and what they do F. Red Box plans G. Free calling from COCOT's H. ANAC numbers III. REFERENCE A. Hacking and phreaking W.W.W. pages B. Good hacking and phreaking text files C. Hacking and phreaking Newsgroups D. Rainbow Books E. Hacking and phreaking magazines F. Hacking and phreaking movies G. Hacking and phreaking Gopher sites H. Hacking and phreaking Ftp sites I. Hacking and phreaking BBS's J. Cool hackers and phreakers K. Hacker's Manifesto L. Happy hacking! * DISCLAIMER * "Use this information at your own risk. I Revelation, nor any other member of LOA, nor the persons providing this file, will NOT assume ANY responsibility for the use, misuse, or abuse, of the information provided herein. The following information is provided for educational purposes ONLY. The informaion is NOT to be used for illegal purposes. By reading this file you ARE AGREEING to the following terms: I understand that using this information is illegal. I agree to, and understand, that I am responsible for my own actions. If I get into trouble using this information for the wrong reasons, I promise not to place the blame on Revelation, LOA, or anyone that provided this file. I understand that this information is for educational purposes only. This file may be used to check your security systems and if you would like a thorough check contact A.S.H. This file is basically a compilation of known hacking and phreaking information and some information gathered from my own experience as a hacker/phreaker. I have tried to make sure that everything excerpted from other documents was put in quotes and labeled with the documents name, and if known, who wrote it. I am sorry if any mistakes were made with quoted information." *-Revelation-* LOA [Further disclaimer: This document contains some very personal political views that are not shared by all those who think of themselves as "hackers". Sometimes the "we" that the author refers to is a very small group. Think about it: do you want everyone to have free access to YOUR personal data? H.] I. HACKING A. What is hacking? Hacking is the act of penetrating computer systems to gain knowledge about the system and how it works. Hacking is illegal because we demand free access to ALL data, and we get it. This pisses people off and we are outcasted from society, and in order to stay out of prison, we must keep our status of being a hacker/phreaker a secret. We can't discuss our findings with anyone but other members of the hacking/phreaking community for fear of being punished. We are punished for wanting to learn. Why is the government spending huge amounts of time and money to arrest hackers when there are other much more dangerous people out there. It is the murderers, rapists, terrorists, kidnappers, and burglers who should be punished for what they have done, not hackers. We do NOT pose a threat to anyone. We are NOT out to hurt people or there computers. I admit that there are some people out there who call themselves hackers and who deliberately damage computers. But these people are criminals, NOT hackers. I don't care what the government says, we are NOT criminals. We are NOT trying to alter or damage any system. This is widely misunderstood. Maybe one day people will believe us when we say that all we want is to learn. [And one day the prices of the network hardware will go down far enough so we can learn in our own homes. I think this is quickly approaching, more so then in the past. LIP] [The cost of home networking is falling at a dramatic rate as we reach the end of the 20th century. H.] There are only two ways to get rid of hackers and phreakers. One is to get rid of computers and telephones, in which case we would find other means of getting what we want.(Like that is really going to happen.) The other way is to give us what we want, which is free access to ALL information. Until one of those two things happen, we are not going anywhere. B. Why hack? As said above, we hack to gain knowledge about systems and the way they work. We do NOT want to damage systems in any way. If you do damage a system, you WILL get caught. But, if you don't damage anything, it is very unlikely that you will be noticed, let alone be tracked down and arrested, which costs a considerable amount of time and money. Beginners should read all the files that they can get their hands on about anything even remotely related to hacking and phreaking, BEFORE they start hacking. I know it sounds stupid and boring but it will definetly pay off in the future. The more you read about hacking and phreaking, the more unlikely it is that you will get caught. Some of the most useless pieces of information that you read could turn out to be the most helpful. That is why you need to read everything possible. [Read everything you can get your hands on. And check out a book entitled Computer Organization & Design. It's extremely long, but it's worth reading. Also, find on the net the book entitled the Art of Assembly. Since you can only dissassemble back to assembly to a degree and not to C or C++, learning assembly is good for understanding how the software interacts with the hardware. And this will allow you to find new vulnerabilities not posted on . LIP] C. Hacking rules 1. Never damage any system. This will only get you into trouble. 2. Never alter any of the systems files, except for those needed to insure that you are not detected, and those to insure that you have access into that computer in the future. 3. Do not share any information about your hacking projects with anyone but those you'd trust with your life. 4. When posting on BBS's (Bulletin Board Systems) be as vague as possible when describing your current hacking projects. BBS's CAN be monitered by law enforcement. 5. Never use anyone's real name or real phone number when posting on a BBS. 6. Never leave your handle on any systems that you hack in to. 7. DO NOT hack government computers. 8. Never speak about hacking projects over your home telephone line. 9. Be paranoid. Keep all of your hacking materials in a safe place. [Buy a shredder and write your own crypto. Yep, ya gotta learn cryptography too. LIP] 10. To become a real hacker, you have to hack. You can't just sit around reading text files and hanging out on BBS's. This is not what hacking is all about. [But first hack your own shit. Jail isn't a good thing. LIP] D. Getting started The very first thing you need to do is get a copy of PKZIP or some other file unzipping utility. Nearly everything that you download from the Internet or from a BBS will be zipped. A zipped file is a file that has been compressed. Zipped files end with the extension ".zip". Then you need to get yourself a good prefix scanner.(also known as a War Dialer) This is a program that automatically dials phone numbers beginning with the three numbers (prefix) that you specify. It checks to see if the number dialed has a carrier.(series of beeps that tells you that you have dialed a computer) Try and find a large business area prefix to scan. It is these businesses that have interesting computers. There are many good scanners out there, but I would recommend Autoscan or A-Dial. These are very easy to use and get the job done quickly and efficiently. [And if you intend to use a war dialer, get a good job to pay for your phone bill and check your local laws concerning scanning. You can also use social engineering techniques before even attempting to break into a system. Check out the book entitled Corporate Espionage for more info. LIP] E. Where and how to start hacking After you get yourself a good scanner, scan some prefixes and find some cool dialups, then do the following: From your terminal, dial the number you found. Then you should hear a series of beeps (carrier) which tells you that you are connecting to a remote computer. It should then say something like "CONNECT 9600" and then identify the system that you are on. If nothing happens after it says "CONNECT 9600" try hitting enter a few times. If you get a bunch of garbage adjust your parity, data bits, stop bits, baud rate, etc., until it becomes clear. That is one way of connecting to a remote computer. Another way is through Telenet or some other large network. Telenet is a very large network that has many other networks and remote computers connected to it. Ok, here is how you would connect to a remote computer through Telenet: First, you get your local dialup(phone number) from the list that I have provided in Section G. Then you dial the number from your terminal and connect.(If you get a bunch of garbage try changing your parity to odd and your data bits to 7, this should clear it up.) If it just sits there hit enter and wait a few seconds, then hit enter again. Then it will say "TERMINAL=" and you type in your terminal emulation. If you don't know what it is just hit enter. Then it will give you a prompt that looks like "@". From there you type "c" and then the NUA (Network User Address) that you want to connect to. After you connect to the NUA, the first thing you need to do is find out what type of system you are on.(i.e. UNIX, VAX/VMS, PRIME, etc.) There are other things that you can do on Telenet besides connecting to an NUA. Some of these commands and functions are listed in the next section. You can only connect to computers which accept reverse charging. The only way you can connect to computers that don't accept reverse charging is if you have a Telenet account. You can try hacking these. To do this, at the "@" prompt type "access". It will then ask you for your Telenet ID and password. Telenet is probably the safest place to start hacking because of the large numbers of calls that they get. Make sure you call during business hours (late morning or early afternoon) so there are many other people on-line. [Don't hack into a system until you know what the system is. That is, if you wanna go after Ameritech, it's good to know that they use an HP UNIX box before attempting anything. LIP] F. Telenet commands [Make sure to read the documentation concerning the telnet terminal you are using. LIP] Here is a list of some Telenet commands and their functions. This is only a partial list. Beginners probably won't use these commands, but I put them here for reference anyway. COMMAND FUNCTION c Connect to a host. stat Shows network port. full Network echo. half Terminal echo. telemail Mail.(need ID and password) mail Mail.(need ID and password) set Select PAD parameters cont Continue. d Disconnect. hangup Hangs up. access Telenet account.(ID and password) G. Telenet dialups Here is the list of all the Telenet dialups that I know of in the U.S.A., including the city, state, and area code: [Note corrections at end of list. H.] STATE,CITY: AREA CODE: NUMBER: AL, Anniston 205 236-9711 AL, Birmingham 205 328-2310 AL, Decatur 205 355-0206 AL, Dothan 205 793-5034 AL, Florence 205 767-7960 AL, Huntsville 205 539-2281 AL, Mobile 205 432-1680 AL, Montgomery 205 269-0090 AL, Tuscaloosa 205 752-1472 AZ, Phoenix 602 254-0244 AZ, Tucson 602 747-0107 AR, Ft.Smith 501 782-2852 AR, Little Rock 501 327-4616 CA, Bakersfield 805 327-8146 CA, Chico 916 894-6882 CA, Colton 714 824-9000 CA, Compton 213 516-1007 CA, Concord 415 827-3960 CA, Escondido 619 741-7756 CA, Eureka 707 444-3091 CA, Fresno 209 233-0961 CA, Garden Grove 714 898-9820 CA, Glendale 818 507-0909 CA, Hayward 415 881-1382 CA, Los Angeles 213 624-2251 CA, Marina Del Rey 213 306-2984 CA, Merced 209 383-2557 CA, Modesto 209 576-2852 CA, Montery 408 646-9092 CA, Norwalk 213 404-2237 CA, Oakland 415 836-4911 CA, Oceanside 619 430-0613 CA, Palo Alto 415 856-9995 CA, Pomona 714 626-1284 CA, Sacramento 916 448-6262 CA, Salinas 408 443-4940 CA, San Carlos 415 591-0726 CA, San Diego 619 233-0233 CA, San Francisco 415 956-5777 CA, San Jose 408 294-9119 CA, San Pedro 213 548-6141 CA, San Rafael 415 472-5360 CA, San Ramon 415 829-6705 CA, Santa Ana 714 558-7078 CA, Santa Barbara 805 682-5361 CA, Santa Cruz 408 429-6937 CA, Santa Rosa 707 656-6760 CA, Stockton 209 957-7610 CA, Thousand Oaks 805 495-3588 CA, Vallejo 415 724-4200 CA, Ventura 805 656-6760 CA, Visalia 209 627-1201 CA, West Covina 818 915-5151 CA, Woodland Hills 818 887-3160 C0, Colorado 719 635-5361 CO, Denver 303 337-6060 CO, Ft. Collins 303 493-9131 CO, Grand Junction 303 241-3004 CO, Greeley 303 352-8563 [Note from Japhy: Grand Junction, Fort Collins and Greeley have been 970 for over 5 years now. H] CO, Pueblo 719 542-4053 CT, Bridgeport 203 335-5055 CT, Danbury 203 794-9075 CT, Hartford 203 247-9479 CT, Middletown 203 344-8217 CT, New Britain 203 225-7027 CT, New Haven 203 624-5954 CT, New London 203 447-8455 CT, Norwalk 203 866-7404 CT, Stamford 203 348-0787 CT, Waterbury 203 753-4512 DE, Dover 302 678-8328 DE, Newark 302 454-7710 DC, Washington 202 429-7896 DC, Washington 202 429-7800 FL, Boca Raton 407 338-3701 FL, Cape Coral 813 275-7924 FL, Cocoa Beach 407 267-0800 FL, Daytona Beach 904 255-2629 FL, Ft. Lauderdale 305 764-4505 FL, Gainsville 904 338-0220 FL, Jacksonville 904 353-1818 FL, Lakeland 813 683-5461 FL, Melbourne 407 242-8247 FL, Miami 305 372-0230 FL, Naples 813 263-3033 FL, Ocala 904 351-3790 FL, Orlando 407 422-4099 FL, Pensacola 904 432-1335 FL, Pompano Beach 305 941-5445 FL, St. Petersburg 813 323-4026 FL, Sarasota 813 923-4563 FL, Tallahassee 904 681-1902 FL, Tampa 813 224-9920 FL, West Palm Beach 407 833-6691 GA, Albany 912 888-3011 GA, Athens 404 548-5590 GA, Atlanta 404 523-0834 GA, Augusta 404 724-2752 GA, Colombus 404 571-0556 GA, Macon 912 743-8844 GA, Rome 404 234-1428 GA, Savannah 912 236-2605 HI, Oahu 808 528-0200 ID, Boise 208 343-0611 ID, Idaho Falls 208 529-0406 ID, Lewiston 208 743-0099 ID, Pocatella 208 232-1764 IL, Aurora 312 896-0620 IL, Bloomington 309 827-7000 IL, Chicago 312 938-0600 IL, Decatur 217 429-0235 IL, Dekalb 815 758-2623 IL, Joliet 815 726-0070 IL, Peoria 309 637-8570 IL, Rockford 815 965-0400 IL, Springfield 217 753-1373 IL, Urbana 217 384-6428 IN, Bloomington 812 332-1344 IN, Evansville 812 424-7693 IN, Ft. Wayne 219 426-2268 IN, Gary 219 882-8800 IN, Indianapolis 317 299-0024 IN, Kokomo 317 455-2460 IN, Lafayette 317 742-6000 IN, Muncie 317 282-6418 IN, South Bend 219 233-7104 IN, Terre Haute 812 232-5329 IA, Ames 515 233-6300 IA, Cedar Rapids 319 364-0911 IA, Davenport 319 324-2445 IA, Des Moines 515 288-4403 IA, Dubuque 319 556-0783 IA, Iowa City 319 351-1421 IA, Sioux City 712 255-1545 IA, Waterloo 319 232-5441 KS, Lawrence 913 843-8124 KS, Manhattan 913 537-0948 KS, Salina 913 825-7900 KS, Topeka 913 233-9880 KS, Wichita 316 262-5669 KY, Bowling Green 502 782-7941 KY, Frankfort 502 875-4654 KY, Lexington 606 233-0312 KY, Louisville 502 589-5580 KY, Owensboro 502 686-8107 LA, Alexandria 318 445-1053 LA, Baton Rouge 504 343-0753 LA, Lafayette 318 233-0002 LA, Lake Charles 318 436-0518 LA, Monroe 318 387-6330 LA, New Orleans 504 524-4094 LA, Shreveport 318 221-5833 ME, Augusta 207 622-3123 ME, Brewer 207 989-3081 ME, Lewiston 207 784-0105 ME, Portland 207 761-4000 MD, Annapolis 301 224-8550 MD, Baltimore 301 727-6060 MD, Frederick 301 293-9596 MA, Boston 617 292-0662 MA, Brockton 508 580-0721 MA, Fall River 508 677-4477 MA, Framingham 508 879-6798 MA, Lawrence 508 975-2273 MA, Lexington 617 863-1550 MA, Lowell 508 937-5214 MA, New Bedford 508 999-2915 MA, Northampton 413 586-0510 MA, Pittsfield 413 499-7741 MA, Salem 508 744-1559 MA, Springfield 413 781-3811 MA, Woods Hole 508 540-7500 MA, Worcester 508 755-4740 MI, Ann Arbor 313 996-5995 MI, Battle Creek 616 968-0929 MI, Detroit 313 964-2988 MI, Flint 313 235-8517 MI, Grand Rapids 616 774-0966 MI, Jackson 517 782-8111 MI, Kalamazoo 616 345-3088 MI, Lansing 517 484-0062 MI, Midland 517 832-7068 MI, Muskegon 616 726-5723 MI, Pontiac 313 332-5120 MI, Port Huron 313 982-8364 MI, Saginaw 517 790-5166 MI, Southfield 313 827-4710 MI, Traverse City 616 946-2121 MI, Warren 313 575-9152 MN, Duluth 218 722-1719 MN, Mankato 517


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