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DiamondFox Bot
for contact free
Core totally recoded.
Stability improved.
size Improved (18kb with configurations).
No dependencies.
Full windows compatibility (x86 and x64 from XP to Windows 10).
New cryptographic methods.
New installation routines (Bypass AVs proactives).
Domain generation algorithm support.
Fully realtime (AJAX/JS) showing the last action/report sent or received for the bot.
Extra security added: antiforce, captcha and ban suspicious querys.
The web panel can be hosted on windows servers without any kind of error.
All comunication with the panel are encrypted with a custom algorithm.
Browsers Password Stealer (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Opera).
FTP Stealer (Filezilla).
DDoS (UDP, Layer7 [3 Methods], HTTP).
Keylogger (Keyboard Hook, HTML Report, Clipboard Watcher, Get Window Title, Get Time, Can be triggered by window).
Email grabber (Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook 2000 [POP3 and SMTP], Microsoft Outlook 2002 to 2016, Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail, IncrediMail, Eudora, Netscape, Thunderbird, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail/MSN mail, Gmail).
RDP/VNC recover (Windows RDP, TightVNC, UltraVNC).
RAM Scrapper (Track2).
Instant Messenger Grabber (Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, ICQ Lite 4.x/5.x/2003, AOL Instant Messenger, Trillian, Miranda, GAIM/Pidgin, PaltalkScene, Digsby).
Screenshots (Single, Each 30 seconds).
Spam (Custom SMTP, html letter, unlimited email list).
DNS Redirects (Remote host file editor).
Persistance (Protect file, process and startup keys).
Crypto Wallet Stealer (MultiBit, Armory, Electrum, digital, Electrum-LTC, MultiDoge, BitcoinDark, Unobtanium, Dash, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Namecoin, PPCoin, Feathercoin, NovaCoin, Primecoin, Terracoin, Devcoin, Anoncoin, Paycoin, Worldcoin, Quarkcoin, Infinitecoin, DogeCoin, AsicCoin, LottoCoin, DarkCoin, Monacoin).
Homepage Changer (Firefox, Internet Explorer).
Social Spread (Facebook, Twitter).
Remote Shell (Process list, software list, windows command).
Spoiler (Click to Hide)
Spoiler (Click to Hide)
[+] Fixed the gallery session problem.
[+] Added an index with banning features to the reports dropzone.
[+] php rand() function updated for mt_rand().
[+] php mysql_connect function updated for mysqli_connect.
[+] added a salt for the login password.
[--] Removed now useless base64_encode username.
[+] Fixed all "problems" that appear removing error_reporting(0).
[+] Fixed the lost "fav" row in the db.
Thanks to L!NK for the feedback.
Crystal XY:
Spoiler (Click to Hide)
[+] Fixed upload delay on loader.
[+] Fixed delete of old reports.
[+] Added %userdomain% information.
[+] Fixed reports upload on gate.php.
[+] Fixed builder close while the server is on maintenance.
[+] Updated lite builder to work with this panel version.
[+] Fixed not working "build" button in lite builder tab.
Crystal Y:
Spoiler (Click to Hide)
[+] Fixed OCX problem on System Cleaner tool.
[+] Fixed minors bugs on builder.
[+] Fixed Domain Generation Tool minor bug.
[+] Fixed minors bugs on loader.
Crystal X:
Spoiler (Click to Hide)
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