Setting up VertexNet(Botnet)
Abhijeet Karve 9:15 PM
First of all sorry friends as my college have started I hardly get to time for blogging.
OK lets start for building up a botnet. The botnet I am gonna use is VertexNet by DarkCoderSc.
Before settingVertexNet I will tell you what a botnet is?
Botnet are type of zombies controlled by the maker of it. You can do many things using botnet like doing DDOS (distributed denial of service attack), brutu fore to get passwords of site and many more uses. Get detailed information about it from here and here.
So lets start friends building a botnet.
First of all get a download VertexNet from here.
1) Now get a free webhosting service like,,, and many more I am gonna use 000webhost now open an account there.
2) After making an account you'll receive a confirmation link click on that link and you'll be redirected to your panel.
Note: It'll sometimes show that your site isn't ready but don't worry just refresh the page and it'll be confirmed !!!
After that you will see something like this.
3) Click on Go to CPanel.
4) Now click on File manager. Now navigate to /public_html. You will see this.
5) Go to the downloaded files. And you'll see a folder named as web panel. Now add this folder to zip (not rar) and rename it as VertexNet. and upload it in /public_html. Like this. All files will get extracted.
6) Now go Control Panel. And click on Mysql. You'll see something like this.
And click on Create database. It'll look like this. Don't close this tab if you wanted to close this tab then save all the information in notepad because we will need it in future.
7) Now go to phpMyAdmin. And create database as shown in the picture.
8) Now click on SQL.
And one by one paste these query's in the box and press Go.
Update: You can also add vertexnet.sql to zip format situated in VertexNetv1.2.1\Web Panel\SQL\vertexnet.sql. This always works.
Note:- Don't paste number 1), 2), 3) I had just put them for representation.
9) Now go to file manager and then in /public_html/inc and edit
10) Now open your botnet from the domain it will look like this. The default username and password is root:toor
11) Lets build our server now!!! open VNBuilder. And Accept the terms and enter the address of your botnet.
If you face any problem just ask in comments or contact me on Facebook.
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