For education purpose We are not responsible for anything 🔰Unlimited Amazon Balance Buy Anything For Free🔰 What You are Going to Need: 1. eBay Account. 2. PayPal with around $2-$3 3. Random Name Generator Details Note: the reason you do not need an Amazon account prior to the method is because one will be created whilst carrying out the method. Step 1. Head on over to , and make your way to the ‘trade-in’s’ Link: Step 2. On the Search Box below, select the Category as Electronics, and on the box next to it, type any electronics name, for e.g: Apple iPad. Step 3. Once you’re on the electronics page, try and find an item between $300 and $400, $350 being the golden amount. Once you have found your item click on the 'Trade In' button. Now, for account creation! Step 4. Youwillnowbeaskedtoregister/loginintoAmazon. Thisiswhere we will be creating our account, so click register and...