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Showing posts from January, 2018

Varius hacking

1-DDoS 2-Forensics 3-Programming 4-Exploitation 5-Phone Hacking 6-Server Hacking 7-Client Hacking 8-Website Hacking 9-Network Hacking 10-Wireless Hacking 11-Reverse Engeenering 12-Information Gathering #DDoS 1-MDK3 2-LOIC 3-HULK 4-DDOSIM 5-Ufonet 6-Hping3 7-Xerxes 8-Hammer 9-Slowloris 10-Websploit 11-GoldenEye 12-Metasploit 13-Aireplay-ng 14-Slowhttptest #Forensics 1-COFEE 2-Volafox 3-Autopsy 4-Foremost 5-Hashdeep 6-Binwalk #Programming 1-Notepad++ 2-Visual Studio 3-Text Editor #Exploitation 1-Metasploit 2-Sqlmap 3-Core Imact 4-W3af 5-BeEF 6-Dradis #Phone_Hacking 1-Metasploit 2-Apktool 3-Droidjack 4-AndroRAT 5-Spynote #Server_Hacking 1-SQLmap 2-Jsql 3-Havij 4-Hydra 5-Metasploit 6-Armitage 7-Brupsuite 8-Owasp-ZAP 9-Netsparker 10-Acunetix 11-OpenVAS #Client_Hacking 1-Darkcomet 2-FatRat 3-Veil-Evasion 4-Shallter 5-Unicorn 6-Setoolkit 7-Armitage 8-BeEF-Framework 9-EmPyre 10-FakeImageExploiter 11-Pupy 12-DFU-Programm...

Deface page

Code of deface page..... [8/6, 4:47 PM] ‪ +91 97998 89428 ‬: <!------------ COded By Cyb3rD3v1L --------> <link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href=" "> <html> <head><script type='text/javascript'> var msg = "LOL!! Guess what?! you got owned :v h "; msg = " " + msg;pos = 0; function scrollTitle() { document.title = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + msg.substring(0, pos); pos++; if (pos > msg.length) pos = 0 window.setTimeout("scrollTitle()",300); } scrollTitle(); </script> <script language=JavaScript> var message="NO NO NO YOU CAN'T xD"; function clickIE4(){ if (event.button==2){ alert(message); return false; } } function clickNS4(e){ if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){ if (e.which==2||e.which==3){ alert(message); retu...

💱 💱 Investing in ANYTHING: YOUR WIFE,YOUR GIRLFRIEND,YOUR BUSINESS YOUR CAR and especially in CRYPTO is Risky. Weak hands sell their Bitcoin ! Wall Street are buying up your Bitcoin! Whilst you buy Shitcoins hoping to make big profits the Whales are ROBBING your Bitcoin from you. Think about it logically.. Since Wall Street got involved the price has fallen as they short the coin. Meanwhile mainstream media spread fake news fear and doubt. Their intention is to get more of the 80% of bitcoin that’s already circulating. They know bitcoin is going to be worth 500x it’s current value. So whilst you panic sell on fake news I’m buying more and holding for the long term. There is so much development going on behind the scenes with Bitcoin including lightning payment channels for low cost instant transactions for mainstream adoption at merchants and smart contracts that will change many industries over the coming years. 95% of all the token coins will die off over time and only the very best technological applications with real world use will survive. Regulation will also start to take effect in the next 5 years that will dramatically reduce the number of ICO’s and scam token launches. Think long term and think where we will be in the next 5 years and don’t sell your Bitcoin unless you have to. This is my opinion and I’m holding on to my Bitcoin and only investing into other crypto tokens that I believe have real world use and real utility for the masses and of course in The new wave of Lending ICOs! The global elites want your Bitcoin and they will do whatever they can to ROB it from you! They know and understand the power of a totally decentralised one world currency and they also know that the fiat system is irreparably broken. The debt bubble is closer than ever to exploding and CryptoCurrency is the pin that will inevitably burst their bubble. Wall Street are fearful and that’s why they have now gotten involved. This year the US Nasdaq will launch futures trading and the winklevoss Brothers should have their ETF approved bitcoin the SEC. Mike Novogratz is working on building a CryptoCurrency bank. The signs are all there and more money will continue to flow from fiat currencies into crypto. Make sure you are holding on to at least ONE Bitcoin because those that do will be the new generation of wealth holders on the planet.

Sending Large Files through mail whatsapp fb

&#128293;&#128293; *Team hack presents: Sending huge data files via whatsapp. Latest trick 6hrs ago*&#128293;&#128293;&#128242; *By using this small and neat trick you can send huge amounts of data (pictures, music and videos) by hiding them behind an image.* *Requirments: WinRAR or WinZip (Compressors)*&#128737; *A computer and a Cellphone* &#128187;&#128242; ✅Create a directory in drive C and name it as *“test”* *Put images, music, videos and executables (anything) in the *“test”* folder. ✅Now choose any picture and rename it as *image.jpg* NB add the picture to the test folder as this will be the picture that you shall hide  the data. ✅Now right click on the *“test”* folder and click add to test.rar or add to archive then click ok You shall notice that a test.rar folder will be created in drive C. *This is now the beginning* &#127939;&#127997; ✅Open cmd (Command prompt) and type *cd C\\* This will change ...

Some handpicked tools

Anonymous: Here are some websites you can use to download games. ... Special ..&#128584; Android 1. (mods, apk, obb) 2. (original, full apk) 3. (mods, apk, obb) PC 1. (crack, mods, DLCs) 2. (crack, mods, DLCs) PSP | PPSSPP 1. 2. Biggest Hack Pack ON | 4.29 GB ●Anti Viruses ●BotNets ●Botting Programs (Ad Fly, ETC) ●Brute forcing Programs ●Cracking Programs DDoS ●Programs Deface Creators ●Doxing Tools eWhore Packs (Fetish) Exploiting Programs (SQL Map, ParanoicScan, Dedi Exploiter, AirCrack) ●Exploit Scanners (GoogleSeacher, Gr3eNox Exploit Scanner, Joomla Security Scanner, Realuike Exploit Scanner, RFI Scanner V2, RFI Tool, Special RFI, SQL Poison, XSS Scanner) ●Exploits (Chat Exploits, MSN Hack, System Exploits, Team Speak) ●Guides (Anonymity, BotNet, Bruteforce, Cracking, DDoSing, Defacing, Doxing, Exploits,...


Top Free Hacking courses /

Compress 700mb in 70kb

Anonymous: How to compress file to lowest size... So here i am sharing:- Secret Sharing of How to Ultra/Highly Compressed any Games/files . let us took and example:- Suppose i have a Game setup file of size 700mb... then i can compress it upto 90 KB...... . Yes you heard right.... I can compress 700mb file into 90 KB. How ? Solution is:- "KGB Archiever SOftware" The Only way to Highly Compress and files.... But But it will consume much time.... May be it takes 6 to 7 hrs in compressing.... All depends on your processor and system ram :)  . so guyss try this software and compress and file to lowest size...... It will take time alot.. Steps:-  Open Software and start follow the steps or you may look in photo i have attached here.......... 1.) Select and file for compression and then select compression level to maximum if you want to compress it highly......  High COmpression = More time consumed :) 2.) Select File Format as kgb (not rar or zip) ...