Gain Complete Control of Any Android Phone with the AhMyth RAT There are more than 2 billion Android devices active each month, any of which can be hacked with the use of a remote administration tool, more commonly known as a RAT. AhMyth, one of these powerful tools, can help outsiders monitor a device's location, see SMS messages, take camera snapshots, and even record with the microphone without the user knowing. Remote administration tools were first programs intended to provide technical support to remote computers by allowing an administrator to log in and control the device directly. However, hackers quickly saw the potential of these tools and started using them for more nefarious deeds. Today, advanced RATs are used to remotely access and control a wide variety of devices, but today we'll focus on one of the world's most popular — Android. AhMyth is a new, up-and-coming, open-source Android RAT, currently in the beta stages of development, which uses a simple GUI...